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The Awards Committee assists the AFCEA Hawaii Vice President of Awards in fulfilling the AFCEA Hawaii responsibilities related to award nominations and selections. 



Military Affairs




Corporate Sponsors

Through sponsorships and other fund-raising events, AFCEA Hawaii has been able to support Hawaii based students, teachers, and professionals in their pursuit of continued education in STEM, Cyber, and Electronics by providing scholarships, grants, and awards. Become a sponsor today!





The Cyber Committee provides a focal point within AFCEA Hawaii membership to exchange ideas and coordinate AFCEA Hawaii’s Cyber-related activities.  The committee oversees AFCEA Hawaii’s Cyber outreach and helps build bridges between government and industry.




The AFCEA Hawaii Educational Programs Committee (AHEP) supports STEM and cyber education for current and future technologists. AHEP provides STEM and Cyber scholarships for college students, STEM Grants for K-12 schools and non-profits supporting STEM, reimbursements for professional seeking cyber certifications and Cyber Continuing Education Unit (CEU) sessions. 




The Programs Committee  assists the AFCEA Hawaii Programs Vice President with coordinating our monthly luncheon events.   Coordination efforts include obtaining guest speakers, working with their staff and assisting with the activities related to the day of the event.




The Intelligence Committee provides a focal point within AFCEA Hawaii membership to exchange ideas and coordinate AFCEA Hawaii’s intelligence-related activities.  The committee oversees AFCEA Hawaii’s intelligence outreach and helps build bridges between government and industry.



IT Support / Communications

This Committee supports the chapter in all Information Technology and Communications needs ranging from management of the Chapter's Website, volunteer account management,  knowledge management, the execution of virtual events and all chapter communications.  The Publicity Committee focus is on working with public relations and marketing of the AFCEA Hawaii events and programs.  The committee assists in creating press releases, flyers, email and other media products to disseminate information to the public and AFCEA Hawaii supporters




The Membership Committee assists the AFCEA Hawaii Membership Vice President with developing strategies for individual and corporate membership growth and retention.  The goal of the membership committee is to enhance AFCEA’s outreach to members.



Emerging Leaders

The Emerging Leaders Committee assists in planning EL social and educational events, networking events, training and outreach programs. â€‹




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